The Island Party believes water is a precious public commodity and a finite resource. Freshwater is essential to the environment of Prince Edward Island and to all Islanders.
Highest priority must be placed on protecting and preserving clean, safe and ample freshwater supplies in all of the Island’s watershed areas, for this generation and those that follow ours. The need for a continuous source of freshwater for domestic and industrial use, as well as for the natural environment of PEI is constant. There is no longer any question that climate change has the potential to negatively impact the availability of freshwater sources across the province. At the same time, it is already impacting sectors of the agriculture industry, leading to consideration of crop irrigation.
The Island Party encourages development of alternative crops, drought-resistant varieties and agricultural practices that recognize the trend of rising seasonal temperatures and reduction of precipitation during the growing season. The new Water Act demands the protection of fresh water for the environment, for domestic and commercial use and for fire suppression. It places a moratorium on the development of holding ponds and deep-water wells. It states that all activity with the potential to disrupt current or future supplies of ground and freshwater must be required to meet strict, scientific analysis before approval.
Prior to the Act coming into effect, the Government of Prince Edward Island has been allowing the development of holding ponds that do not respect these safeguards. For this piece of legislation to be effective, it must be upheld. Proposed development with the potential to cause harm to a watershed area must endure a process of public awareness, consultation and approval by the Mi’kmaq Confederacy and affected members of the populace.
The Island Party will not support exemptions to any of the conditions set out in the Water Act, or in any other related laws or legislature, on the basis of political, partisan or economic pressure from any individual(s) or corporation(s) rather than on un-biased, scientific research.