Time for change!
The Island Party of Prince Edward Island is committed to an accountable and transparent government whose aim is to put Islanders first.
This commitment will be reflected in an agenda that emphasizes strong economic growth, fiscal responsibility, affordable health care, retirement security, and stewardship of our island resources. We will work to give the island back to Islanders by decentralizing the power and influence of government, putting public policy ahead of special interest groups, and encouraging citizen education and civic involvement throughout the island community. The Island Party recognizes that we can only achieve these objectives by creating a sustainable economy to ensure a positive social and economic future for all Islanders.
We believe water is a precious public commodity and a finite resource. Freshwater is essential to the environment of Prince Edward Island and to all Islanders. Read more.
Direct Democracy
Our beliefs and values are based on the principles of direct democracy, meaning that every Islander must have a voice regarding the social and economic future of their province. Read more.
Lands Protection Act
We will enforce the Lands Protection Act, close loopholes, and enforce not only the letter of law but also ensure the spirit and intent of the Act are respected. Read more.
We will ensure property tax assessments reflect the level of services provided. The Island Party sees regionalization (amalgamation) as an attempt to unload some of the tax burden for major infrastructure on rural Islanders. Read more.